

さだまさしはアルバム『おもひで泥棒』のライナーノーツで収録曲「ソフィアの鐘」についてこう書いている。 かつて僕は、御茶ノ水を舞台に『檸檬』という青春歌を書いた。故に、この歌をその続編と捉える向きもあるかもしれないが、そうではない。 これは不…

A Working Holiday

I have asked a designer to work for us today. Today is a holiday here in Japan. I had been sleeping almost until evening today.

The Turning Point

誕生日を迎え、折り返し地点ということを思う。私がこれから生きるのは、今まで生きてきた年齢と同じくらい、かもしれないのだ。平均寿命分ならばもっと先だが、家系としては長命でないようだ。時間の貴重さを感じる。 もう一つ、今日は16歳から16年経った「…

Old Paper



松本博文氏はこう書いている(twitter@mtmt81より)。 昨日の深夜からは結局徹夜で、詰将棋を作っていた。人から頼まれた仕事は短篇数題だが、勢いで中篇の趣向作など試行錯誤してみたり。缶ビール飲みながらの指し将棋は確実に棋力が落ちるが、詰将棋創作…

No Change But Awakening

I don't need to change myself. I just need to awaken my potentials.

Religion of Music

Now music is like religion for many. 音楽は自由にする作者: 坂本龍一出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2009/02/26メディア: 単行本購入: 5人 クリック: 307回この商品を含むブログ (82件) を見る

Tokyo Giants

I have gone downstairs and at the time watched that Tokyo Giants won first place.





For Publication



『小説トリッパー』最新号の1989年特集で、かつて『89』を書いた橋本治が、結局日本人は昭和天皇の死で「アタマ」を失ったのでしょ、と語っている。私は橋本に同意する。言い換えれば、日本人は、各個人が自らに「アタマ」を持たずに済んできたのだと思う。 …

Enjoy shogi

The last night was a midsummer night. Before going to futon (not bed), I was playing shogi (online) after long. I could enjoy doing. Because I won several times:) - 「指さない将棋ファン」を自称する人もいる昨今だが、私はいくらヘボでも「指さ…



Twitter is down, again and again.

These days, twitter is so frequently in the bad condition.

Artificial Arts

"Painting is the most artificial of the arts" (Francis Bacon) 「絵画はあらゆる芸術の中で最も人為的だ。」(フランシス・ベーコン) "Painting is the most beautiful of all arts. (Paul Gauguin) 「絵画はあらゆる芸術の中で最も美しい。」(ポール・…

欺瞞の血-Le Sang de Escrocs



Schadaraparr's genuine masterpiece has astonished me.11アーティスト: スチャダラパー,スチャダラパー+木村カエラ,ロボ宙,bird出版社/メーカー: エイベックス・エンタテインメント発売日: 2009/03/25メディア: CD クリック: 14回この商品を含むブログ (26…


Tonight, I got found that I have made two mistakes recently... Clearly, my twitterholic caused them. I must treat it by myself, of course. Because I had been a copy-coordinator, twitter is too appropriate for me, I have understood.

China Crisis

When China was on the 20th ”6.4” since 1989, the news from the Japanese media often said most Chinese were feeling it is the incident in the past. However, I had some doubts.

A Quiet Life

What is Oe's "quietness"? It is not a silence but a tranquilization. And, however, Oe's tranquilization is unique, which is not a healing(癒し), but connects to a truce. 静=会意兼形声。「爭(とりあい)+⾭(音符)」。⾭(=青)は、すみきっ…

I'm gonna be your No.1

When I was in Auckland, New Zealand, I was listening to the "Tide is High" again and again via radio, TV and on the street of the City, and anywhere. Recently, my Mate there has chatted on MSN messenger about her thought of her love. Then …


東京都千代田区にて。私もノリで書いてみました。(inspired by Kutsuna Hiromiさん) 同荒川区にて

The sense of time lost

The sense of time can be broken by twitter. Is today Friday? Even when I was working so busily in the office, I did not have such a feeling. And I would not have this feeling even if I played on-line-game.


This evening, I went to Akihabara, Tokyo, to buy a router and replace the old one in my home, which became dead recently. I came back home and replace it to a new one. My mother has told me to go Akihabara because she has been frustrated w…

Pathos, Ethos, Logos

Dissociatives need pathos. Schizophrenia desire ethos. Manic-depressives require logos.

Korean Language Class

I went to Korean language class in Tokyo. I could not say what time it was now... My Korean learning has been deficient. Which one is more avant-garde, Hangul or Dadaism?

Twittering on the River's Edge

When I enjoy ”twittering,” I often remember this passage. Like radiowaves, something invisible is flying around in the air; love, malice, resignation, obsession, etc. Unseen psychic waves of feelings. リバーズ・エッジ 愛蔵版作者: 岡崎京子…

Iranian ZAKURO & Chinese Shēnzhèn

ZAKURO is a good and unique (and low-cost!) restaurant in Nippori. http://zakuro.oops.jp/ (The fruit, pomegranate [zakuro;柘榴], is native to South-West Asia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomegranate)深圳 (Shēnzhèn) , next to ZAKURO, is al…


I saw 『精神』(MENTAL) in Shibuya, Tokyo. An excellent documentary cinema. I had always had a somewhat strange feeling in the characeters「精神」because 「神」 basically means, in Japanese, the 'God.' However, 『精神』is a 'good' title. 「…