




Old Paper




Twitter is down, again and again.

These days, twitter is so frequently in the bad condition.


Tonight, I got found that I have made two mistakes recently... Clearly, my twitterholic caused them. I must treat it by myself, of course. Because I had been a copy-coordinator, twitter is too appropriate for me, I have understood.

The sense of time lost

The sense of time can be broken by twitter. Is today Friday? Even when I was working so busily in the office, I did not have such a feeling. And I would not have this feeling even if I played on-line-game.


This evening, I went to Akihabara, Tokyo, to buy a router and replace the old one in my home, which became dead recently. I came back home and replace it to a new one. My mother has told me to go Akihabara because she has been frustrated w…

Twittering on the River's Edge

When I enjoy ”twittering,” I often remember this passage. Like radiowaves, something invisible is flying around in the air; love, malice, resignation, obsession, etc. Unseen psychic waves of feelings. リバーズ・エッジ 愛蔵版作者: 岡崎京子…

twitter, twitter.

昨晩もまたtwitter漬けとなった。将棋関連で議論白熱ではあったのか(?)もしれないが、「ねじり合いの醍醐味」はまるでなく、「読み」が全く噛み合わず、やりとりが堂々巡りなだけだったようだ。 議論のお相手によく伝えられなかったことは、 1)「エリート…


Twitter has amalgamated three services; blog, chat room, bulletin board. Blogs are basically narrated from the 'first person.' Chat rooms are used to talk with the 'second person' each other. And the different 'third persons' assemble on b…