
欺瞞の血-Le Sang de Escrocs



Schadaraparr's genuine masterpiece has astonished me.11アーティスト: スチャダラパー,スチャダラパー+木村カエラ,ロボ宙,bird出版社/メーカー: エイベックス・エンタテインメント発売日: 2009/03/25メディア: CD クリック: 14回この商品を含むブログ (26…


Tonight, I got found that I have made two mistakes recently... Clearly, my twitterholic caused them. I must treat it by myself, of course. Because I had been a copy-coordinator, twitter is too appropriate for me, I have understood.

China Crisis

When China was on the 20th ”6.4” since 1989, the news from the Japanese media often said most Chinese were feeling it is the incident in the past. However, I had some doubts.

A Quiet Life

What is Oe's "quietness"? It is not a silence but a tranquilization. And, however, Oe's tranquilization is unique, which is not a healing(癒し), but connects to a truce. 静=会意兼形声。「爭(とりあい)+⾭(音符)」。⾭(=青)は、すみきっ…

I'm gonna be your No.1

When I was in Auckland, New Zealand, I was listening to the "Tide is High" again and again via radio, TV and on the street of the City, and anywhere. Recently, my Mate there has chatted on MSN messenger about her thought of her love. Then …


東京都千代田区にて。私もノリで書いてみました。(inspired by Kutsuna Hiromiさん) 同荒川区にて

The sense of time lost

The sense of time can be broken by twitter. Is today Friday? Even when I was working so busily in the office, I did not have such a feeling. And I would not have this feeling even if I played on-line-game.


This evening, I went to Akihabara, Tokyo, to buy a router and replace the old one in my home, which became dead recently. I came back home and replace it to a new one. My mother has told me to go Akihabara because she has been frustrated w…